TFS Scorpion 3408A
High selling bull of 2014 - sold to Dennis Ankeny - Arlington, Washington
You thought he was an Angus...
Close... but even better! There is absolutely no doubt with over 100 calves reported in the ASA database that Scorpion is destined to make a lasting impact in our SimAngus efforts and will continue to add significant and real value to all levels of the beef industry as his sons and grandsons are put to use in so many progressive commercial programs here in the Northwest. He epitomizes what makes SimAngus so useful for the greater beef industry today – his calves are born easily, have rapid early growth, will add distinct carcass value, possess all of the convenience traits of straight Angus being Homozygous for polled and black and we believe his true legacy will be that of a phenomenal female sire. He has an EPD profile that is difficult to find and his sons were extremely popular in our 2016 & 2018 sales. Owned with Dennis Ankeny, Arlington Washington. Semen available from Trinity Farms.